Teachers. We are a very supportive group of people. We support our students. We support their parents. And we support each other. It’s all about collaborative thinking and finding the best ways to enhance learning for our students. Why not
All About the Students
Students love 3D printing. It’s amazing how quickly they get into it. Sometimes, while we’re teaching, we have at least one student who wants nothing to do with the work in front of him or her. They refuse to do
The Prints Are Already There
It’s easy to get carried away with 3D printing. The possibilities are endless, really. And having a printer directly in your classroom can be the best and worst, especially when you want to print all the time. But, good news!
Finding the Inspiration
So, now that you know the tools and the websites that will create 3D prints, it’s time to put them to good use. It’s time to make some projects! There are countless ideas that teachers can think of in order
How Can You Make Projects?
One of the best creations about the Internet is all of the online tools that can help create art. There are endless possibilities to create something when the inspiration hits. When it comes to 3D printing, it’s important to have
The Important Tools
Thinking about 3D printing is one thing. Getting one is another. You want to be sure to have the right tools in your classroom in order to create the best productivity possible. Here are my suggestions. FlashForge Finder 3D Printer
You Know You Want a 3D Printer
Get a 3D printer. It’ll change your classroom. Three major components to having a 3D printer: Having a 3D printer in the classroom will change the way you see curriculum. It’ll add a new perspective to the lessons you’ve been
So, You’re Thinking About 3D Printing? In the Classroom?
3D printing is one of the best creations ever. I mean it. I wish I would have thought of it. I mean, think of how wonderful it would have been to have created something so intricate. It’s fascinating. But why would
First Post for Blog Project
Ideas: Why 3D printing in classrooms? How does this help students? What tools do I need? What printer is the best? What about projects?