EDU 385 – Diversity Issues in Schools

“The course addresses diversity issues that affect students in K-12 classrooms. Hate crime protected identities will be examined, as well as other differences – like body size, low socio-economic status, homelessness, expelled & suspended students, children of incarcerated parents, and Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES). If left unaddressed, these issues can lead to negative school experiences that disenfranchise students from learning opportunities. Increasing future educators’ and other professionals’ awareness of strategies that convey respect and value for students’ differences is critical for creating an inclusive and safe school climate for all students.” From the UNE Course Catalog.

EDU 330 – Classroom Management

“This course addresses the theories and methods associated with the learning process, as well as the application of this knowledge in a variety of classroom environments and situations. Pre-service teachers will learn how to create a proactive classroom environment that will allow them to spend contact time in instructional activities resulting in increased student learning. Pre-service teachers also develop knowledge and understanding of requisite strategies for effectively managing student behavior in the classroom. Field-study required.” From the UNE Course Catalog.

EDU 261 – Teaching Social Studies, K-8

“This course addresses the issues, themes, and methods that are critical for helping elementary students develop an understanding of social studies issues. Pre-service teachers will engage in their own expansion of social studies knowledge and skills through completing reading and writing assignments and participating in class discussions, small group and whole class collaborative learning, other active learning activities, and observation of elementary social studies instruction in a school setting. Field study required.” From the UNE Course Catalog.
