I think we’ve all been in a group project where we think we will all have equal amount of work and yet, somehow, all the work ends up in our notebooks.  This is a classic tale for me, that’s for sure.  I feel like every time I am in a group project, I end up doing all the work. Even when we all try to divvy up the work.  This doesn’t mean that some partners won’t take one some work.  Everyone has to put in some type of effort, but the majority of the work ends up on my desk.  I always go into group projects with some sort of hope that this time will be the time that everything works out well.  But even if most of us take the time to work together, there’s always that one person who is just present at all the meetings.

This DS work was not one of my favorites.  I wasn’t too pleased with the outcome or the wording. I had other images in mind and different wording, but I decided to go with this one because it was my favorite among the others that I made.  The theme “demotivate” isn’t the best type of work for myself, as I try to find some way to bring my dry sense of humor out.  I guess the inspiration wasn’t strong enough for today’s assignment. Fingers crossed for the next one!

