These pictures are amazing. I need to spend more time looking at profound pictures. At first, I was a little intimidated because some of these pictures are very powerful and are about certain times in the past where everything was not okay. I didn’t want to pick a picture where people were in danger or just lost a lot.
I decided to pick this picture because it made me laugh. First, the man looks like Abe Lincoln, which might have been on purpose, I’m not sure. Then the kid where I put the circle over is just staring at the man, maybe. I’d like to think so.
Because this picture is set in recent history, and the uncanny resemblance to Lincoln, I decided to write, “When you can’t figure out what year it is.” This made me laugh, too, because the kid in the picture just looks so confused. Maybe he learned about Lincoln and got confused himself.
I downloaded the picture from the Boston Globe and saved it on my computer. I then put a text box on the bottom of the picture and wrote my caption. I decided to put a circle around the kid that’s looking into the distance because he’s part of the focal point of this meme.
This was a lot of fun! I enjoyed the process of looking at all the pictures and looking for inspiration in the most unlikely of places.