DS 106: Digital Story Compilation

This assignment was a fun look at the work done throughout the semester. I uploaded all of my pictures and a video onto my Photos app on my computer. Once they were all uploaded, I created a new slideshow in

DS 106: Turn a GIF into a FIG

For this assignment, we had to turn a GIF into a reverse GIF, which is called a FIG.  This seemed like an interesting way to change the outcome of a short clip. I first went on giphy.com to find an

Daily Create #tdc2350

@eng304cripps @ds106dc #tdc2350 pic.twitter.com/dt08yEX0ll — Julia Thompson (@JThompson0516) June 17, 2018 This Daily Create was pretty easy. We had to find a picture or a song, or anything really, that made our hearts sing. Even though the process of thinking

DS 106: What They Might Have Done in Social Media

I picked Martin Luther King Jr. because he is a pivotal man in history. His meaning and values are so important for human kind and it’s important to listen to his words and see his perspective. For a person to

DS 106: Home Video GIF

via GIPHY First, I’m sorry that this came out so terribly. That was not my intention. It looked great before I pressed the upload button on the screen. I do not have any home videos of anything, but giphy.com claimed

Daily Create #tdc2346

@eng304cripps @ds106dc #tdc2346 #fallentree pic.twitter.com/WlVYJFmbFt — Julia Thompson (@JThompson0516) June 13, 2018 This Daily Create was about trees. We had to find a tree and either write about it or just post the picture. I decided to make a short

DS 106: The Big Caption

These pictures are amazing. I need to spend more time looking at profound pictures.  At first, I was a little intimidated because some of these pictures are very powerful and are about certain times in the past where everything was not

Daily Create #tdc2343

Convinced he has selective hearing @eng304cripps @ds106dc #tdc2343 pic.twitter.com/ymQWxbioxh — Julia Thompson (@JThompson0516) June 10, 2018 For this Daily Create, I had some trouble trying to think of what I wanted to create. I was trying to talk it over
