DS 106: Color Walk Time Line

For this assignment, I decided to look around for the color orange. Orange is my favorite color so I thought it would be fun to look up and see how many items are orange around where I live. It’s funny

DS 106: Say It Like The Peanut Butter

via GIPHY I used “Inside Out” as my inspiration for this animated GIF.  I loved this movie.  If you don’t know it, it’s about all the different emotions a person can have and the “inside” look on how we use those

Daily Create #tdc2340

In symmetry there is order. Through chaos there is beauty. @eng304cripps @ds106dc #tdc2340 #flowers #kaleidoscope pic.twitter.com/cV4gnDn1HL — Julia Thompson (@JThompson0516) June 6, 2018 This was an interesting experiment! I had no idea if I would like the outcome of turning

DS 106: Demotivate Yourself

I think we’ve all been in a group project where we think we will all have equal amount of work and yet, somehow, all the work ends up in our notebooks.  This is a classic tale for me, that’s for

EDU 261 – Teaching Social Studies K-8

Teaching Social Studies is an important component for the class.  It’s a field where schools do not have the time during the day for its own block of learning. Social Studies needs to be integrated within the subjects in order

DS 106: Selfie with your Pet

This is Othello! He’s the best snuggle cat in the world.  But he’s clearly not the best to have a picture with.  I cannot tell you how many times we try, or more like I try, to take a decent

Daily Create #tdc2335

Congratulations! @eng304cripps @ds106dc #tdc2335 #alanandcori pic.twitter.com/A2pxw7Zix3 — Julia Thompson (@JThompson0516) June 2, 2018 I thought this Daily Create was fun!  Although, it’s a little odd to make something for people that you don’t know.  I kept looking online for inspiration

Daily Create #tdc2334

Your imagination can take you places @eng304cripps @ds106dc #tdc2334 pic.twitter.com/Vt3JHom06k — Julia Thompson (@JThompson0516) June 1, 2018 This Daily Create was interesting.  I thought I was going to be a lot more creative, but I had trouble thinking of something

Daily Create #tdc2327

MTV, welcome to my crib! First Daily Create! @eng304cripps @ds106dc #tdc2327 #castle #Ireland #takemeback pic.twitter.com/gZHIG8pgm9 — Julia Thompson (@JThompson0516) May 26, 2018 I thought this Daily Create would be a lot easier because I have both Snapchat and Bitmoji.  I
