For this assignment, I decided to look around for the color orange. Orange is my favorite color so I thought it would be fun to look up and see how many items are orange around where I live. It’s funny
DS 106: Say It Like The Peanut Butter
via GIPHY I used “Inside Out” as my inspiration for this animated GIF. I loved this movie. If you don’t know it, it’s about all the different emotions a person can have and the “inside” look on how we use those
How Can You Make Projects?
One of the best creations about the Internet is all of the online tools that can help create art. There are endless possibilities to create something when the inspiration hits. When it comes to 3D printing, it’s important to have
Daily Create #tdc2340
In symmetry there is order. Through chaos there is beauty. @eng304cripps @ds106dc #tdc2340 #flowers #kaleidoscope — Julia Thompson (@JThompson0516) June 6, 2018 This was an interesting experiment! I had no idea if I would like the outcome of turning
DS 106: Demotivate Yourself
I think we’ve all been in a group project where we think we will all have equal amount of work and yet, somehow, all the work ends up in our notebooks. This is a classic tale for me, that’s for
EDU 261 – Teaching Social Studies K-8
Teaching Social Studies is an important component for the class. It’s a field where schools do not have the time during the day for its own block of learning. Social Studies needs to be integrated within the subjects in order
DS 106: Selfie with your Pet
This is Othello! He’s the best snuggle cat in the world. But he’s clearly not the best to have a picture with. I cannot tell you how many times we try, or more like I try, to take a decent
Daily Create #tdc2335
Congratulations! @eng304cripps @ds106dc #tdc2335 #alanandcori — Julia Thompson (@JThompson0516) June 2, 2018 I thought this Daily Create was fun! Although, it’s a little odd to make something for people that you don’t know. I kept looking online for inspiration
Daily Create #tdc2334
Your imagination can take you places @eng304cripps @ds106dc #tdc2334 — Julia Thompson (@JThompson0516) June 1, 2018 This Daily Create was interesting. I thought I was going to be a lot more creative, but I had trouble thinking of something
Daily Create #tdc2327
MTV, welcome to my crib! First Daily Create! @eng304cripps @ds106dc #tdc2327 #castle #Ireland #takemeback — Julia Thompson (@JThompson0516) May 26, 2018 I thought this Daily Create would be a lot easier because I have both Snapchat and Bitmoji. I